How To Start Monday Mornings The Right Way
Are you tired of the dread of Monday mornings? Well, guess what? You heard it first, there is a way to start your Monday mornings off on the right foot, hit it head-on, and get through the week like a champ.
How to start Monday mornings the right way
This will take some mind-shifting, positivity, and grace—understanding the step, the actions, and the purpose of this new mindset.
How can I change the way I feel about Mondays
Don’t look at it as the end of the weekend, think of it as a fresh and exciting day the lord has given you to develop into a stronger, and wiser person. Each day is a new opportunity to learn, grow and be 1% better than the person you were yesterday.
Use each day to develop into a better person, accomplish that new goal, new you, and remember it's one more day closer to the weekend!
So how can you start Monday mornings the right way?
Here are 10 tips to get you in the right mindset, and on the right track to staying focused on your priorities.
01. The mind shift
Yes, it may be hard getting back into the grind after the weekend; start thinking of Mondays just like any other day. It's just another walk in the park; instead of saying “I hate Mondays” start saying “I love Mondays" or “I’m so excited to get the day started” once you start saying it, you will also start believing it.
- What we say we also become.
- Imbody the person you wish to be.
- Always encourage yourself.
- Be a more positive person.
02. Structure and routine
Having more structure in your life can guide you on your journey, and help you stay on track even when life challenges arise. If you have a routine you follow every day, you are more likely to know what has to be done so when Mondays do approach you're not overwhelmed with X amounts of projects...and your work week is right around the corner.
- Create a routine to follow.
- Be honest with what you’re actually accomplishing.
- Stay disciplined.
03. Create a Sunday reset
Incorporating a Sunday reset routine into your week is so. Very. important. I can't stress this enough.
Check out my Sunday Reset Routine
04. Waking up early
This can also be something you incorporate each day of the week, not just on Monday mornings. If you can start waking up early, setting the alarm the night before, and actually waking up for it, I promise you your day will feel so much better.
- You can accomplish much more with the extra time.
- Wake up early fuels your body, mind, and soul.
- You’re alone with your thoughts before the world is awake.
- Mentally prepare yourself for the day.
05. Fuel your body Monday mornings
Eat a good breakfast, and make sure you’re giving your body something that will fuel your day. Get some protein, eat or drink some greens, and incorporate some fruit in there.
- Having something good to eat will give you that energy boost you need.
- This will fuel your mind and body.
06. Workout
A morning without a workout just doesn’t seem right, and no better way to start your Monday morning than a nice workout to sweat out all those stressors.
- Increase your serotonin.
- Increase in energy throughout the day.
- Releases anxiety.
- You will think so much clearer.
07. Make plans
Give yourself something to look forward to; have plans during the week or over the weekend. This can break up your week and give you something to fuel you as you grind out the week.
- Make plans with friends.
- Find a class to attend.
- Reach out to people in need of help.
08. Have a journal
Keep a journal, and write out your thoughts and goals. Have something available to you so when you have an idea or when you accomplish something you can easily keep track of everything.
- Keeps you focused on what is important.
- Navigate your day better.
- Clears your mind of clutter.
09. Listen to personal growth or motivational podcasts
Start your Monday morning off on the right foot, and listen to something educational or inspirational. Listening to something like this rather than mundanely scrolling through social media will fuel your day so much more.
- Puts a drive in you for success.
- Adds more fuel to your fire during the day.
- Have a more positive mindset.
- Helps you realize your potential.
10. Have grace with yourself
We are all on this crazy journey, trying to figure out how to navigate through our good, and not-so-good days. Understand the difference between a bad moment, not a bad life, or a bad day. embrace each day, stop -- smell the roses. tomorrow is never promised so be grateful for each day.
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