How To Navigate Life In Your 20's
Growing up isn't always easy, and change is never fun. Navigating life in your 20's is challenging, with so many voices telling you what you should and shouldn't do it's hard to find your way.
Life is full of surprises, and with God's grace and guidance throughout life, we can either see the challenges we go through as a time of suffering or a time of personal growth and self-reflection.

How can I let go of resentment, guilt, and regrets?
Look at the person you are today, and the seasons of life you have been through, do you think that you would be the person you are today if you didn’t go through a particular event or a time in your life? Would carry yourself in the manner you do? Would you be living in the spot you’re in?
Life is full of new and exciting endeavors, life is no coincidence. Each and every move we make today will reflect our tomorrow.
Here are 10 things I’ve learned living in my 20’s (and maybe they can help you as well)
01. The people in our lives
Sometimes the people in our lives were only meant for a specific season of our life, maybe they were meant to teach us different perspectives, or new lessons. It’s the things we take away from that relationship, the lessons and growth we learned while that person was in our life. Even if that person is not in your life today, they have made you into the person you are today.
02. Holding onto bitterness
Holding onto something that angers you will never change the past, present, or future. If you hold onto emotions of bitterness this will cause you to become a hardened and bitter person. What we internalize will be shown in how we view ourselves, the world and we reflect those emotions onto the people around us.
03. Understanding emotions
Internalizing our emotions and not fully developing an understanding of why we feel sadness or how to overcome sadness. Those deep-rooted issues that were never resolved will start surfacing eventually, don’t push your emotions under the rug. Start working out on yourself, and understand who you are. Your likes, and dislikes. What is hindering your growth?
Check out this blog post about adopting the growth mindset
04. It's okay to say NO
Really, it's okay! Say no to just about whatever you want, take control and ownership over the trajectory of your life.
05. Stop waiting around for life to happen
Life is not slowing down, I swear when I hit 24, life just started flying by. Start making plans now for your future, only you have the control to make life happen. Not one person in this life should make a plan of action for you but yourself.
06. Take advantage of life in your 20's & Travel
Get yourself a passport and travel. Do some exploring, and discover something new. There are so many cultures and places just waiting for you. Traveling will spark a change of mindset and self-discovery.
07. College?
Unless you truly know what you want to spend your time in college studying; take a break, discover yourself, travel a bit, and stop listening to what everyone around you is telling you to do. Why invest so much time and money in something you’re not sure about? Heck, throughout life in my 20’s my interests and hobbies have changed a million times.
08. Stop comparing yourself
It’s only getting worse as time goes on, with unlimited access to social media, and this unrealistic idea that everyone has a fantastic life. Focus on yourself, start building your character and personality, and learn who you are and the person you’re developing into. This person or that person doesn’t matter.
09. The grass isn't always greener
Sometimes we feel as though our situation couldn’t get any worse and if only we could have what that person has or be in a different job; sometimes that may be the case. But, I feel we need to stop and think, observe our situation, and reflect on God's gift of being alive, be grateful, and live in the moment of now.
10. Who are you trying to impress?
Going out drinking every night, hooking up with different people, driving the greatest car, or having the most expensive things do not make you into a more special, or intriguing person. Humble yourself, and know that the things you do today will carry with you forever. Understand that the people we surround ourselves with, and the choices we make have an impact on the person we develop into.
Thank you for reading, and, always remember to work on yourself, you have one body, and one mind. Learn and grow as an individual, separate yourself from the outside voices, and hone into your wants and desires.
Much love!
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