How To Set Up A Perfect Sunday Reset Routine

Ladies, It's time to start your new Sunday reset routine! Time to break up with the old bad habits of letting the laundry lie, the dishes rack up and the underlying dread of Mondays burden our every move.

Soon enough the “I have so much to do, but ill sit on the couch” starts to happen.

Let's turn the chapter to a new you, a new vision, and focus this week.

Start your week off on the right foot and prioritize those chores now so you don't have to think about them tomorrow.


Mondays just approach so fast, and those impending to-do lists just keep piling up. Just imagine how exhilarating it will feel when you get everything done on your list while stepping into your work week with a clear mind, and a clean house.

Whether you’re a 9-5 worker, work from home, or a stay-at-home mama, we should totally be incorporating a Sunday reset to prepare ourselves for success, let's dive right into these crucial tips for having an amazing Sunday.

01. Change your mindset with a Sunday reset

Let’s rewire our thinking, and imagine what it will be like once the house is clean, the laundry is put away, the kitchen is clean and the workout is done. Just imagine that feel-good moment for a minute, wouldn’t that be nice?

  • Instead of thinking about everything that has to be done, just start!
  • Instead of saying “I have to work out” say “ I want to work out” or “I am going to clean the house” those slight little changes make a significant difference in how you will go about your day.

02. Workout

Get your body moving, I find that after a workout, when my blood is moving, and my heart rate is up, it allows me to start working on other tasks a lot easier now that I woke my body and mind up.

  • Release unwanted thoughts of doubt and fear.
  • It will increase your energy throughout the day.
  • Clears your mind.

Check out why working out is important

03. Take care of your body

Now that you got a sweat in, hit the shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, and prepare your body for the day. A clean body is a clean mind and spirit, you need this!

  • You will feel ready for the day.
  • When you feel good it can refelt how your day goes.

04. Write out your goals for the day

Grab a journal or piece of paper and write down the tasks that need to be accomplished, as you go through your day you can continue to check each one off your list.

  • Keeps you on track with your goals.
  • Keeps you organized.
  • Keeps you accountable.

05. Start getting organized

A Sunday reset should consist of cleaning and organizing up your space. Start washing clothes, doing the dishes, vacuuming, and mopping. Set your week off on the right foot, you will feel so much better knowing that your space is clean going into your work week.

  • Clean space is a clear mind.
  • You won't have any more pending chores of doom throughout your week.

06. Clean your room

Grab those bed sheets, and pillowcases and throw them in the wash! Clean up the area you sleep in, waking up to a clean room is such an amazing feeling

  • It will start you off on the right foot Monday morning.
  • Make waking up much more appealing.
  • When you get home after a long day your room is ready for a restful sleep.

07. Meal prep

Have you ever considered meal prepping for the week? It's so incredible to have pre-made meals ready to go. 

  • This will ease your mind about meals for the week.
  • You can start focusing on other tasks.
  • Grab and go!

08. Finally relax

Sunday reset

Now that you have accomplished all those tasks take a break, chill out for the night, and do something that brings you a little bit of that serotonin! You deserve it!

  • Watch your favorite TV show or movie.
  • Make some tea
  • Do your nails.
  • Relax your mind and body for the week.

Remember that the choices we make today reflect our tomorrow, we have the choice to become 1% better each day and with those compounded good habits each day they add up to major results.

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