How to overcome challenges in 2023
How to overcome challenges in 2023
Now that the new year is here you're bound to hit some bumps in the road. Overcoming challenges can be tricky, but if we start looking within I believe we can overcome just about any challenge life throws.
Typically when people go through something traumatic, we use external things to avoid dealing with the hurt we feel internally, we shove our emotions down and never accept or come to an understanding of why we feel a certain way.
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Challenges and trauma have been proven to create a sense of self awareness, an opportunity to see clearly, create good habits and figure out a path that only makes you stronger.
But, this path does take effort, if you genuinely want to figure out why you feel sadness, or how you can overcome heartbreak that's up to you to understand your emotions.
You can either choose to see challenges as a disadvantage, turn hardened and bitter about the situation or see it as an opportunity for improvement, it's all about how you view the situation.
Here are some tips to help you understand how to work through challenges.
Tip number 1 - Self awareness
How do I become self aware of my emotions?
Establishing self awareness
Being self aware takes action, it takes knowing who you are, your desires, likes, dislikes, and your character. Once you understand who you are it's easier to navigate your thoughts when you go through something challenging.
- Write out your likes and dislikes about your personality- this will give you a visual of where you can improve.
- Look at the people you spend most of your time with - do they align with your goals and values?
- Being self aware will add the clarity you need in your lifestyle when going through challenges.
Tip number 2 - Victim role
How to not play the victim in situations
How playing the victim role leads you nowhere
Think of it like this, you got your heart broken, you can either do two things run away from your problems, maybe go out drinking, have a good time, and spend your days doing useless things that bring you momentary happiness OR rise above the hurt, become self aware of your emotions, study yourself, do things beneficial to you and goals and become successful. It's all about how you view the situation.
- Listen to personal development podcasts.
- Read self care and personal development books.
- Become intelligent by learning something new every day.
- Take ownership of your life.
If you're looking for a really good read, check out David Goggins - Can't Hurt Me - Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds. What an amazing book about breaking barriers and challenging yourself.
Once you start taking ownership of your emotions you will no longer play the victim, you will be confident and unstoppable.
Tip number 3 - Building strong habits
How to build strong habits
How to create good strong habits that help you through challenges
Once you have strong habits built it becomes a lot easier to navigate your day and your routine. If challenges arise you can find consistency and familiarity somewhere in your life.
- Create a daily routine that you can stick to.
- Wake up early.
- Learn something new every day.
- Journal every day.
- workout
- Get organized.
- Clean your space.
Check out this book called Atomic Habits, which will change your life.
Having a routine in your life is so important, we need direction and a plan so that if something traumatic or challenging happens we know which direction to turn.
Tip number 4 - Growth mindset
What is a growth mindset?
How to develop a new way of thinking
A growth mindset is an ability to see there is always room for improvement, even though something may be one way you can find another way to make it happen and you always find a way through obstacles, not just go around them.
Examples would be:
- You’re shy but you study ways to improve that by researching and going to group settings.
- You are constantly sad but research how to understand your emotions better.
- You want to learn a new skill so you research how to do the thing you want.
A growth mindset is so important, having this will help you understand yourself better, think more positively, and know that there's not just one way, we can improve and grow through challenging times.
Check out my blog post explaining the growth mindset.
Now that you know the growth mindset when challenges arise you know that you can overcome anything.
Tip number 5 - lean on God
How to put your trust in god while overcoming challenges.
Putting your trust in God
Whatever your spiritual belief may be, that's for you to decide but without God, our lives have no direction, no hope, or faith. Lean on the Lord and trust in him for security, and perseverance. He helps those who follow him and trust his timing.
- Stay in prayer.
- Read the bible, really study it.
- Talk to God always.
With patience, everything will fall into place. We need a spiritual side that trusts in a higher power, the knowledge that you can trust no matter the challenge.
Remember that challenges will continue to come and go, the way we handle situations is up to you to decide. You can either choose to internalize them or understand the deep rooted issue that's up to you to decide.
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Creating strong habits is a big one. We are the sum total of how we spend our days, after all. Chain one good day after another, and before we know it, we’d have lived a fulfilling life. Anyway, thanks for this post!
Love this! Thank you so much ?