Habits that can help you become successful
There comes a time in our life when we stop and think to ourselves “where has the day gone” or “what have I been doing for the past 4 months” it's like you don't have anything to show, no progress and you feel as though you're going through the motions of life with no direction.
You might notice you do certain things you don't like.
Sometimes we instead not even acknowledge them because it's easier to ignore them or we just blatantly don't even know we have a bad habit.
But, there is a way to stand up, take accountability for our actions throughout our lives, our daily habits, and have more of an abundance in life. It's all up to you and how you create your life.
First and foremost we need to look within, identify our weaknesses, and figure out what our learning style is; so once we start incorporating these habits into our lives we can hold ourselves more accountable, and what actions we need to take to make them stick.
For example, I loved routine but not a structured routine. I benefited from knowing what my day will look like but my weakness was if I slacked on a goal or a habit I wanted to accomplish, I would beat myself up over it and say forget it all. Not having any structure in my life was my weakness, I was not showing up for myself and proving that yes you can have your bad days and still have a system. It's about balance and grace.
What would best help your goals?
- Do you want more routine?
- Do you want more structure?
- Find a good jouranl
- Would you benefit from setting a goal? Do a 21-day challenge. and stick with it.
Finish the challenge and prove to yourself you can be there, you showed up today. More things will start falling into place.
- Where do you want to be next year at this time, what does that look like?
- Remember that the little changes we incorporate every day can add up to big results. These are the movers every day.
2. DOES YOUR LIFE ALIGN WITH YOUR VALUES AND GOALS? This is so important because what we consume becomes us. Shed some clarity into your lifestyle.
- Are you going out every night to have a drink?
- Are you hanging around people who are not a good influence?
- Even family can contribute to this as well. We love and care about them but it doesn't mean we have to be around them or contribute to their bad behavior.
- Are you working a 9-5 job and complaining about it but not taking steps to start your own business?
- Are you skipping workouts because you don't feel like doing them?
Remember that the things we indulge ourselves in every day become us. Write down something in your life that is not benefiting the lifestyle you wish for.
- When you look at your life right now do you have a clear vision of your goal?
- Try to figure out what is most important to you. To have a family? Start a business? Learn a new skill? What can you do today that would put you on the right track?
- Try not to look at this massive mountain of a goal. What is a small bite-size step or action to get you there?
For example, If I wanted to start a business:
- Research my niche
- Look into competitors
- Find a business plan
These are baby steps that lead us on the right path.
Eventually, everything starts making sense and the mountain doesn't seem so big anymore.
Please, give this a try. Challenge yourself to wake up early for one week. I promise you that clarity will come tenfold for you. (once you do this for a week you can prove to yourself that you showed up and you can accomplish more than you thought.)
- You’re alone with your thoughts, and different ideas start rolling in. new discoveries just waiting to be let out.
- You will feel more productive throughout your day.
- This will give you more time to figure out a plan of action.
- Are you showing up every day for yourself?
- Are you pushing everything to the back burner?
Consistency is so important.
We have already lost the battle of the mind when we don't do something we said we would. When we say we will do something, be there, accomplish it, get it done, and be over with it.
Once you do that you have proven to yourself that you can do it and slowly those negative voices start to dissipate. I mean come on, it's a way better feeling knowing I did good today, I showed up.
Do you want to live a fulfilling and happy lifestyle?
Well, if you want it bad enough we have to learn ways of getting there. (I would imagine you’re a learner because you’re reading this)
- I believe we should always be learning something new.
- Read books on personal development, successful people, and growth mindset, and just watch what you'll learn.
- Successful people got to where they are somehow, so we might as well learn from them. Right?
Overall to sum things up here, be consistent, show up every day, and figure out what is important to you and how you can accomplish that.
Eliminate the negative, create a clean slate and take small bite-size moves to point you in the right direction.
Your only limit is your mind.